Kashinath Govind Upasani Shastri (Upasani Baba)

Kashinath Govind Upasani Shastri (Upasani Baba)

As there was no other way out to remove his bodily ailment, Kashinath came to Shirdi on 27 June 1911. As soon as he entered Dwarakamai, Baba told him, "Son I know you for the past seven births. If you stay at Shirdi, you will achieve your goal in life. Because of your good deeds in your previous birth, you achieved spiritual progress. If you stay here for some time with a stable mind you will reach a higher state." So saying Baba blessed him. When Kashinath approached Baba on the third day for permission to leave Shirdi, Baba declined to permit him and asked him to stay at Shirdi. "In case you want to go, come back in a week’s time." 
Kashinath left Shirdi and several strange things happened even before he reached home. He returned to Shirdi on the seventh day, as advised by Baba. Before he reached Shirdi, Baba appeared to him in several forms and gave him some indications. Baba made him recollect these things and ordered him to stay for 4 years at Khandoba temple meditating. 
During the period Baba taught Upasini several matters and showed several leelas and experiences. These methods or teaching were very strange and beyond our imagination. We cannot find similar things anywhere in the sacred books. The divine powers in Kashinath went on increasing with the increased period of his meditation. The testing by Baba increased along with the increase in Uapasini’s divine powers. Seeing the powers of Upasini, some Sai devotees approached him and invited him to their places. But he should not go out during the period of diksha. On the other hand he could not withstand to the tests put by Baba. At last without completing the four years period prescribed by Baba, he left Shirdi secretly in the night without informing Baba on 25 July 1914, a few months earlier. We also may sometimes be unable to withstand the Maya and be distanced from Baba. Let all the Sai devotees have complete faith in Baba and treat his word as the word of God. Let their thoughts be on Sai only and none else